

Kallie is a 2018, 16.2hh, thoroughbred mare available for sale. Kallie currently goes walk, trot, canter and is started over small courses including fill. She has a solid counter canter and lead change. A classy, fun ride and pretty mover.

Kallie has been developed thoughtfully and slowly for a year and is ready to go in any direction. She enjoys going easy and is a lovely candidate to be a hunter, but also has a developable drive to excel as a jumper. Kallie would prefer an, at least, intermediate rider to continue to develop her but is regularly enjoyed by JRs and amateurs in a program. She does not offer any evasive behaviours, has good work ethic and will generally try anything her rider suggests. She is a medium hot ride but is safe and kind and has enough miles under her belt that she knows how to balance herself and isn't strong in the bridle. Performs her best in a program, but remains safe and manageable with less accurate riding or consistent schedule.
Last year, she was lightly schooled off property and exposed to the hunter ring and horse shows, with success. She is currently being prepared to start her show career this spring.

She currently lives outside and wears fronts shoes, although sound without. She has been sound through our program in heavy work and been relatively easy to manage, requiring no maintenance. Kallie ties, hacks, ships, bathes, and is generally easy to work with.
Located in Uxbridge, ON.
Coaching, showing and lessons available! Part leases start at just $300/mo!
Contact Joanna at EquiSTRONG for more information or to set up a trial appointment.
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