Training & Sales Services
Joanna Niles has a passion for working with young horses starting with creating strong foundations. Using principles of the classical dressage training pyramid, Joanna applies simple, foundational concepts to help horses of all backgrounds and training levels to achieve a better understanding of their human partners.
Well versed in hunter, jumper, equitation, and racing, as well as experience with eventing, dressage, and western disciplines, Joanna believes the key to any reliable riding horse is a sound understanding of the rider's expectations. Creating a relaxed learning environment and establishing a positive response to all aids, Joanna quickly identifies gaps in training and works to establish a middle ground of understanding between the horse and rider.
Working closely with owners, honest, friendly, upfront, and affordable training is the standard at EquiSTRONG to ensure clients can achieve their goals in a thorough but efficient manner with their equine partners.
30-90 Day Training Programs + Custom Training Programs
$450.00/30 days plus HST + Board
Best suited for starting, correcting problem behaviours, establishing fitness, and show preparation. Program length may vary based on goals and expectations and the nature of the training required.
Includes training 6-7 days per week or as required, optional 1-2 sessions per week with the owner/rider, grooming, coordination of vet and farrier services as required (fees extra) and weekly progress reports/updates.
Board, show and transportation fees extra.
Refer to our Facility page for Board Rates.

Line/Inspection Prep
$300.00/30 days plus HST + Board
Prepare your young horse for handling classes and inspection. Includes all necessary training and handling at shows.
Includes training 6-7 days per week or as required, grooming and coordination of vet and farrier services as required (fees extra).
Board, show and transportation fees extra.
Refer to our Facility page for Board Rates.

Joanna found our daughter the PERFECT pony. The entire process - prospect search, pre-inspection evaluation, consulting with the breeder, scheduling our visit, PPE and vet coordination, transport to her facility (and to our home barn) and customized 75 day training program FAR surpassed all expectations. Her passion, care, commitment, progress reports, training and continued coaching support are TOP NOTCH! We feel incredibly fortunate to have this caliber of trainer so early on in this young team's show career.
Madelyne & Wind Dancer's Lyrical
Amherstburg, ON
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